Thursday, May 26, 2011

Maggie Beers Verjuice

Last year my husband and I enjoyed a wonderful holiday in South Australia.
One of the highlights was our visit to Maggie Beers kitchen. Pictured here.
Maggie has a fantastic produce store where we bought a simple picnic lunch. Later, we attended a cooking demonstration in the kitchen (the same kitchen as tv show).
Our class was on verjuice.
I was fascinated.  We now use verjuice regularly and buy large bottles.  Verjuice is unfermented grape juice. The Romans were using it to enhance their dishes!  A good example is to remove your roast veggies 15 mins early, splash with verjuice and finish cooking.  Amazing!! 


  1. I really admire Maggie Beer's energy. She's amazing.

  2. Thank you for dropping by and for your lovely comment.That juice sounds great! :0)

  3. Verjuice sounds great. Is it sweet or sour?

  4. Lovely pics Chris, and I must get some Verjuice and give it a go, I love the painting. :)

  5. Val has asked if verjuice is sweet or sour.
    It's is neither. I would say less acidic than using lemon and milder than wine in cooking. It s amazing how it enhances flavour. It makes a refreshing drink with soda in summer.
    It keeps for ages. If you have it in the pantry and it darkens in colour it can still be used.
