Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Tasmanian walnuts in Tasmanian honey

I've had fun making up these jars.  Il make some for Christmas gifts but in smaller jars to be cost effective. Il be interested in your suggestion for serving.  My ideas are, on pancakes, cheese platters, through yoghurt,
What do you think? 


  1. They sound wonderful. But not cheap.

  2. oh yum, they look delicious. dont mind the idea of them on pancakes. but i think it would also match well with ice cream.

    ~ diana

  3. Chris they look great, very yummy, my vote is for ice cream and pancakes. How nice on a cold wintery night by the telly. :) x

  4. I reckon they would be good with blue cheese on a platter.... yum!

  5. Yummo that would be great to try with pancakes I rekon!
    They look like such beautiful gifts, roll on Xmas!! Xx

  6. Great Idea:)) My mind went straight to the carrot cake.. cream cheese icing Yummo :))

  7. Poured over a warm tea cake is my hankering... yum...thanks for sharing ...i just bought a huge drum of leatherwood honey to bottle when it warms up is a bit stiff just yet...(and i guess you know that if you microwave honey it loses its goodness) i have to find some walnuts in bulk and check my saved up jars for small interesting ones....

  8. Yum yum!!! Ideas for serving? Out of the jar with a BIG spoon!!! xxx

  9. They sound so yummy... wish I had tried this when we had our old walnut tree...

  10. yumo - i'm with a sharp aged cheese - what a combo !
    or with Quark . . . .
    A dumb question - do they stay crisp ?

  11. The walnuts stay just like walnuts. Il have to see if they turn soft. But so far they havnt.

  12. They'd be great over pancakes or waffles, with sliced bananas on top.
