Thursday, December 8, 2011

Fabulous soap from Tanya

Thought I'd share my purchase of wonderful and beautifully packaged soaps from Tanya (Suburban Jubilee). If only you could smell them. My office smells so lush!
Tanya thankyou. These are meant to be gifts but I know il keep some. The Brown Windsor is a perfume I adore. What is it?? I've smelt this before in French soap.
I will give the soap a try and let you know how I find it, but I'm thinking this is the best idea for Christmas gifts.



  1. OOoh, I just ordered some too Chris! After picking up some gardeners soap from the sweet little Ut Si market a while ago for gifts, I wanted some for me! I missed out on the Brown Windsor unfortunately, here's the link with the ingerdient list:

  2. Thank You Chris for my wonderful package...i recieved it today and have it in my linen cupboard for a special occasion..the soap is fragrancing my lined...
    i still have the chairs if you are interested... they would be great for the shack...painted black, cube design with webbing to hold the cushions ..very 60's in great nic...all yours ..i can send a pic...just let me know... thanks again
